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Standing Ovation Performance Apparel Logo

Kinetic Revelation Academy of Dance and the Arts


Ages 8 and under - Bloch Giselle ballet slipper, pink leotard, pink tights

Ages 9 and up - Capezio Hanami canvas ballet slippers, black leotard and pink tights



All students -  Bloch Sparks in BLK, black leotard and caramel tights



Begginers - Capezio Mary Jane tap shoes in black

Intermediate - Capezio 443 in black or Bloch Dance Now in black 

Advanced - Capezio Fluid tap shoes in black 


Note: Pink tights are acceptable for all classes.  Caramel colored tights are acceptable for jazz and tap.  Footed or convertible only.  

No attached skirts.  Level 3 and up may wear skirts. 

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2 of 2 Items